Must have products in absolutely high and delicious quality. They make many parts for high-performance engine, among others. Surge tank kits, Petrol pressure watches, Blow off valves, holder and nozzle bridge for extra nozzles, Adjustable sprocket, adjustable petrol pressure regulator, petrol filter, nozzle bridge for many engines, holder for petrol pumps and petrol filter, y-pieces for collecting petrol, vacuum joints and AN fittings in highest quality. If you are missing something from Nuke performance, you are very welcome to contact us.
A product born out of the request from motorsports for an easy to use, lightweight and reliable air jack setup that can be activated by an air supply pressure of as low as 8 BAR / 120 PSI. Lifts your vehicle to new heights by the use of a common workshop compressor.
A product born out of the request from motorsports for an easy to use, lightweight and reliable air jack setup that can be activated by an air supply pressure of as low as 8 BAR / 120 PSI. Lifts your vehicle to new heights by the use of a common workshop compressor.
A product born out of the request from motorsports for an easy to use, lightweight and reliable air jack setup that can be activated by an air supply pressure of as low as 8 BAR / 120 PSI. Lifts your vehicle to new heights by the use of a common workshop compressor.
A product born out of the request from motorsports for an easy to use, lightweight and reliable air jack setup that can be activated by an air supply pressure of as low as 8 BAR / 120 PSI. Lifts your vehicle to new heights by the use of a common workshop compressor.